Creating In Abundance

I have noticed that in nature many plants and animals reproduce in abundance.  When a fish lays eggs, depending on which kind of fish it is, it may lay hundreds or thousands of eggs. A mature tree will also produce hundreds or thousands of seeds in one growing season. How many acorns are there on an oak tree? We have elm trees in our back yard that drop thousands of seeds each spring. Not everything reproduces this way, a mother elephant will only carry one baby elephant when she is pregnant. But as I look at the pattern, most things in nature reproduce in great abundance.

As I look at our universe, I see that Heavenly Father has created a galaxy with billions of stars, and universe with billions of galaxies. He has created life on our planet in abundance. One online article I just looked at said there may be about a trillion different life forms on our planet! And in our universe we are just a small speck of a planet in a solar system that is a small speck in our galaxy, which in our universe is just a small speck of a galaxy in a sea of nearly countless other galaxies, each likely to having planets with trillions of life forms, and millions or billions of each of those life forms on the planet.  Phew! Heavenly Father has his fingers in a lot of pies! How he keeps track of it all I can’t begin to understand at this point.

As I ponder on this, I wonder if each of us, as children of God, are also meant to create in abundance? It would make sense that we have the potential to do what our heavenly parents have done.  I’m not just talking about accumulating stuff, but truly creating.  When Christ fed the 5,000 with 5 loaves and 2 fishes, he didn’t seem to have any trouble creating enough to feed this group of people. This was a relatively small task compared to the larger works of creation that he, under the direction of the Father, had already accomplished in the creation of worlds without number.  I am again impressed that Christ’s miracle of the loaves was a demonstration of his creative capacity, and an invitation for us to follow him and create in abundance.  How are we doing in this endeavor? What needs to happen to unleash this creative capacity within each of us? Christ taught that all things are possible to them that believe. The Book of Mormon tells us that it is by faith that miracles happen, and if there is no miracle it is because of unbelief, and everyone who performed a miracle did so by first having faith in Christ. Christ is the foundation we must build on, and with his help all things are possible.

More food for thought.

About Arden Compton

I love helping people be the best that they can be. Addiction, stress, limiting beliefs & emotions, and bothersome memories are my specialties. I am happily married to my wife Cheryl, we have 7 robust, growing children. I like to ballroom dance, play volleyball, and enjoy the beauty of nature!
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